Bo Han


  • Aug 2024: TMLR Group will co-organize Asian Trustworthy Machine Learning Symposium 2024.

  • Jun 2024: I will serve as Associate Editor for IEEE TPAMI.

  • Jun 2024: TMLR Group is honored to receive Dean's Award for Outstanding Achievement 2024.

  • Jun 2024: TMLR Group's research is honored to be highlighted by Faculty of Science [News].

  • May 2024: TMLR Group is honored to receive IJCAI Early Career Spotlight 2024 [Paper] [Slides].

  • May 2024: TMLR Group is honored to receive ByteDance Faculty Research Award 2024 (from ByteDance AI Lab).

  • Apr 2024: TMLR Group is honored to receive Tencent WeChat Faculty Research Award 2024 (from Tencent WeChat) [News].

  • Mar 2024: I will serve as Senior Area Chair and Workshop Co-Chair for NeurIPS'24.

  • Mar 2024: TMLR Group will co-author a ML monograph invited by Foundations and Trends® in Privacy and Security.

  • Dec 2023: I am honored to receive NeurIPS'23 Notable Area Chair.

  • Dec 2023: I regularly serve as Area Chair for NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, UAI and AISTATS (see Professional Service).

  • Oct 2023: I am honored to be selected as World’s Top 2% Scientists 2023 [News].

  • Oct 2023: TMLR Group will co-organize HKBU-RIKEN AIP Joint Workshop on AI and ML [News].

  • Sep 2023: I am honored to receive IEEE TNNLS Outstanding Associate Editor.

  • Sep 2023: TMLR Group is honored to receive CCF-Baidu Faculty Research Award 2023 (from Baidu Research) [News].

  • Sep 2023: TMLR Group is honored to host Distinguished Lecture Series provided by Prof. Chengqi Zhang [Video].

  • Aug 2023: TMLR Group is honored to receive NSFC General Program 2023 [News].

  • Aug 2023: TMLR Group will co-author a ML monograph accepted by Springer Nature.

  • Aug 2023: TMLR Group's collaborative work with Alibaba has been deployed into its online advertisement platform [News].

  • Aug 2023: I will serve as Action Editor for MLJ and JAIR and Area Chair for AISTATS'24.

  • Jul 2023: TMLR Group has co-authored an interdisciplinary article published by Nature Plants.

  • May 2023: TMLR Group is honored to host Distinguished Seminar Series provided by Prof. Kun Zhang.

  • May 2023: TMLR Group is honored to host Distinguished Lecture Series provided by Prof. Kilian Weinberger [Video].

  • Mar 2023: TMLR Group is honored to host Distinguished Lecture Series provided by Prof. Tuomas Sandholm [Video].

  • Feb 2023: I will serve as Area Chair for NeurIPS'23.

  • Jan 2023: TMLR Group's collaborative work with Tencent achieves state-of-the-art results in GOOD benchmark.

  • Dec 2022: I will serve as Area Chair for ICML'23 and UAI'23 and Publication & Publicity Co-Chair for ACML'23.

  • Dec 2022: TMLR Group is honored to receive RIKEN Collaborative Research Fund 2022.

  • Nov 2022: TMLR Group is honored to jointly receive NeurIPS'22 Outstanding Paper Award [Paper].

  • Nov 2022: TMLR Group is honored to receive HKBU CSD Best Research Award 2022.

  • Nov 2022: TMLR Group is honored to receive CAAI-Mindspore Open Fund 2022.

  • Oct 2022: Yifeng and Xinyue are recognized as HKBU SCI Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship. Congratulations!

  • Sep 2022: Qizhou and Jianing are recognized as HKBU CSD RPg Performance Award. Congratulations!

  • Sep 2022: I will give talks at ByteDance AI Lab.

  • Sep 2022: I will co-organize ACML 2022 Workshop on Weakly Supervised Learning.

  • Sep 2022: TMLR Group is honored to host Online Seminar Series provided by Prof. Richtárik (KAUST).

  • Aug 2022: TMLR Group will jointly organize Online Asian Machine Learning School 2022.

  • Aug 2022: TMLR Group is honored to host TMLR Seminar Series provided by Dr. Rong (Tencent AI).

  • Aug 2022: TMLR Group is honored to host TMLR Seminar Series provided by Prof. Song (HKUST).

  • Aug 2022: TMLR Group is honored to host Online Seminar Series provided by Dr. Chen (IBM).

  • Aug 2022: I will be joining the Editorial Board of Machine Learning Journal.

  • Aug 2022: I will co-organize CIKM 2022 Tutorial on Learning and Mining with Noisy Labels.

  • Aug 2022: I will be serving as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems.

  • Jul 2022: TMLR Group is honored to host TMLR Seminar Series provided by Dr. Yao (THU).

  • Jul 2022: Yonggang and Yongqiang are recognized as ICML'22 Outstanding Reviewer (Top 10%). Congratulations!

  • Jul 2022: I am honored to receive UAI'22 Top Reviewer.

  • Jul 2022: I am honored to remotely visit Microsoft Research AI for Science hosted by Dr. Qin (MSRA).

  • Jun 2022: I will give talks at XMU, SUSTech, JLU, SJTU, RUC, NEU and SEU.

  • Jun 2022: TMLR Group is honored to host TMLR Seminar Series provided by Dr. Huang (HKU).

  • Jun 2022: TMLR Group is honored to host TMLR Seminar Series provided by Dr. Farnia (CUHK).

  • Jun 2022: TMLR Group is honored to host TMLR Seminar Series provided by Dr. Li (UMD).

  • May 2022: TMLR Group is honored to host Online Seminar Series provided by Prof. Tang (HEC/MILA).

  • May 2022: TMLR Group is honored to receive Tencent AI Faculty Research Award 2022.

  • Apr 2022: TMLR Group is honored to receive GDST Basic Research Fund 2022.

  • Apr 2022: TMLR Group is honored to host TMLR Seminar Series provided by Dr. Wei (CityU).

  • Mar 2022: I will be serving as an Area Chair of NeurIPS'22.

  • Mar 2022: TMLR Group is honored to host TMLR Seminar Series provided by Dr. Cheng (HKUST).

  • Mar 2022: I will co-organize IJCAI 2022 Challenge on Learning with Noisy Labels.

  • Feb 2022: RIKEN Team will author a ML monograph accepted by MIT Press.

  • Feb 2022: TMLR Group is honored to host Distinguished Lecture Series provided by Prof. Sugiyama (RIKEN/UTokyo).

  • Feb 2022: TMLR Group is honored to host Online Seminar Series provided by Dr. Xiao (ASU/Nvidia).

  • Feb 2022: TMLR Group is honored to receive Alibaba Faculty Research Award 2022.

  • Jan 2022: I will co-organize TrustML Young Scientist Seminars.

  • Jan 2022: I will be serving as an Area Chair of ICPR'22.

  • Dec 2021: I will be serving as an Action Editor of Transactions on Machine Learning Research.

  • Dec 2021: I will be serving as an Area Chair of ICML'22.

  • Dec 2021: I will be serving as a Senior Program Committee of KDD'22.

  • Dec 2021: TMLR Group is featured by HKBU CSD News.

  • Dec 2021: I will give talks at UQ and CityU.

  • Dec 2021: TMLR Group is honored to receive RIKEN Collaborative Research Fund 2021.

  • Dec 2020: Fei has been nominated for Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) by the Department. Congratulations!

  • Oct 2021: I will be serving as a Guest Editor of Frontiers in AI Special Issue on "Out-of-distribution Learning".

  • Oct 2021: TMLR Group is honored to receive MSRA StarTrack Program 2021 (with AI for Science team).

  • Sep 2021: I will be serving as an Action Editor of Neural Networks.

  • Sep 2021: I will co-organize ACML 2021 Workshop on Weakly Supervised Learning.

  • Aug 2021: I will co-organize ACML 2021 Tutorial on Learning under Noisy Supervision.

  • Aug 2021: I will give talks at Microsoft Research.

  • Jul 2021: TMLR Group is featured by HKBU CSD News.

  • Jul 2021: Qizhou and Jianing are recognized as ICML'21 Best Reviewer (Top 10%). Congratulations!

  • Jul 2021: I will give talks at SJTU and THU.

  • Jul 2021: I will be serving as a Senior Program Committee of AAAI'21.

  • Jul 2021: I will be serving Program Committee Board of IJCAI'22-24.

  • Jun 2021: TMLR Group is honored to host Online Seminar Series provided by Dr. Dai (Google Brain).

  • Jun 2021: I will be serving as an Area Chair of ICLR'22.

  • May 2021: I am honored to receive ICLR'21 Outstanding Area Chair.

  • May 2021: I will be joining the Editorial Board of Journal of Machine Learning Research.

  • Apr 2021: I will co-organize IJCAI 2021 Tutorial on Learning with Noisy Supervision.

  • Apr 2021: I will be serving as a Guest Editor of Machine Learning Journal Special Issue on "Weakly Supervised Representation Learning".

  • Mar 2021: I will be serving as a Senior Program Committee of ACML'21.

  • Mar 2021: I will be serving as an Area Chair of NeurIPS'21.

  • Mar 2021: I will co-organize IJCAI 2021 Workshop on Weakly Supervised Representation Learning.

  • Mar 2021: I will co-organize the 1st Australia-Japan Workshop on Machine Learning.

  • Dec 2020: I will give talks at USYD and Alibaba Research.

  • Dec 2020: Jianing has been nominated for Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) by the University. Congratulations!

  • Oct 2020: I will be serving as a Senior Program Committee of IJCAI'21.

  • Sep 2020: TMLR Group is honored to receive NSFC Young Scientists Fund 2020.

  • Sep 2020: I am honored to receive ICML'20 Top Reviewer.

  • Aug 2020: I will co-organize ACML 2020 Workshop on Weakly-supervised Representation Learning.

  • Aug 2020: I will give talks at RIKEN AIP, SJTU, USTC, XDU and 4Paradigm Research.

  • Jul 2020: I will be serving as an Area Chair of ICLR'21.

  • Jun 2020: TMLR Group is honored to receive RGC Early CAREER Scheme 2020.

  • Mar 2020: I will be serving as an Area Chair of NeurIPS'20.

  • Mar 2020: TMLR Group is honored to receive RIKEN BAIHO Award 2019.

  • Jan 2020: I am currently recruiting strong and self-motivated PhD/RA/Visiting students and Postdoc researchers. Full scholarships are available. Meanwhile, I am happy to host remote trainee students. If you have interest in getting involved with my research, please send me an email. Also, please read this document for more information. Due to the large number of emails I receive, I cannot respond to every email individually. Thanks!